Bangor Grammar School

Chamber Choir in lockdown

You can lockdown a nation, but you can’t lockdown creativity.  I was delighted to work remotely with our Chamber Choir boys in producing this virtual performance of Light in the Hallway.  In the process of recording there were hiccups, there were challenges, there were frustrations and there were difficulties, but the end result was worth all the work and effort.  There is no doubt that this was a learning curve for us all, including me!  However, with a carefully recorded guide track and rehearsal video, the boys rose to the challenge.

The bizarre circumstances surrounding the Easter period and summer term of 2020 meant that all music making in BGS was brought to a halt. The Spring Concert was cancelled and in some circumstances, months of hard work and musical development were never brought to fruition or enjoyed by intended audiences.  This recording was one small way in which we could keep making music.  Many of the boys enjoyed the break from Google Classroom in order to participate in this project.  Thank you to each of them for their hard work to endlessly perfect the sound. Thank you to Mr Cunningham for editing the video footage to create a poignant visual that matched the lyric of our audio files. No matter what life throws at you, just keep singing, even if it’s just in your bathroom.