The School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) is a committee within our school community that aims to promote healthy lifestyles and healthy eating throughout Bangor Grammar School.
Information on the Food in Schools Policy
Staff from a variety of departments contribute to the group and assess the delivery of healthy eating through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. This includes staff for the Home Economic department, Physical Education department, Biology department, Modern Foreign Languages department, Geography department, Canteen and Nursing staff. We work in collaboration with Senior Management, Board of Governors, Parent Teacher Association and Student Council.
The SNAG has established and will monitor and evaluate a consistent Healthy Eating Policy. The policy is a shared, evolving document that encourages a whole school approach to food in schools.
A School Healthy Eating Policy focuses on a range of issues e.g.
- Provision of food in school: breakfast club, vending machines, tuck shops, school lunch, break time provision, fluid consumption
- Consumption of food at school: time allocated to breaks and lunches, dining environment, service style, packed lunches, litter
- Events at school: school trips, prize days, rewards, parent/teacher evenings
Benefits of a SNAG
- Promotes a healthier environment in school
- Offers children , staff and parents an opportunity to voice their concerns about the provision about healthier food
- Promotes healthy choices
- Empower children and staff to make informed choices about food
- Supports and inform the curriculum
Adapted from NEELB Literature in School Nutrition.
Useful Web Links
Northern Ireland Direct Healthy Eating :
Food for Life:
Food Standards Agency NI:
NHS Change for Life:
Healthy Lunch Box Ideas: